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Found 7 blog entries by tag «safety». Cancel

How to solve the problem of transporting heavy bags: an innovative solution from Schmalz

Olexander Zinchenko

Schmalz vacuum lifter is an innovative solution that ensures safe, fast, and ergonomic load transportation. It allows for easy lifting and transport of bags made of fabric, jute, polypropylene, paper, etc., weighing up to 80 kg.

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Universal transport belts

Iaroslava Osadchuk

The Beltimport company is the exclusive distributor of the German Forbo Movement Systems conveyor belts manufacturer. The range of Forbo tapes will satisfy the needs of any production.

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About gear oil

Oleksandr Nechyporenko

A correct lubrication of a gearbox is the most important condition of its long-term exploitation without emergency stoppages, at the same time expenses for oil take a large part of the total cost of a gearbox ownership.

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