Siban Grupo Peosa (Spain) has 50 years of experience in the development and production of conveyor belts. Beltsiflex belts have been created thanks to the experience and professionalism of the Siban team, to the new technologies and to the strict quality control. The assortment includes smooth and chevron belts, belts with sidewalls and special Beltsiflex belts, which are produced in wear-resistant, heat-resistant (up to + 150 ° C), oil- and fat resistant, flame-retardant executions as well as and FDA approved belts. Siban also distinguishes itself by using its own know-how on the lines for hot vulcanization for the belts with sidewalls made of natural rubber, which ensures the highest level of quality and a long service life. Siban products meet high standards of safety, reliability and durability.
Rubber fabric conveyor belts
Belts with corrugated sidewalls and ribs
Elevator belts