Twice a year, our partner - Schmalz company provides training for the employees and distributors in order to improve knowledge and gain practical experience in the operation of products based on vacuum technologies.
As always, the training was divided into two groups in the main areas:
- Vacuum automation and components
- Manual handling systems
The event was attended by more than 20 participants from around the world (USA, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Portugal, Lithuania, Egypt, the Netherlands and, of course, Ukraine).
This time we participated in the training on manual handling systems, the program of which was saturated and lasted for 5 days. The training made it possible to obtain both good theoretical knowledge and the opportunity to personally test the operation of equipment for moving various products, as well as gain experience in their proper installation and operation. In addition, the new Schmalz products and their benefits were presented to our customers using vacuum systems in their manufacturing.
Beltimport now knows how to make production processes and logistics operations even more flexible and efficient. Contact us, we will gladly share it.