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About us
Our projects
Beltimport Ltd took part in the international exhibition “Metall Forum 2005” which was taking place in Kiev from the 29th of September to the 1st of October 2005.
Probably many read “The Lost World” by Conan Doyle's.
Beltimport opened officially its new branch in Dnepropetrovsk.
A new hot press for connection of conveyor belts has been recently bought in Germany by company Beltimport.
«They turned on the left... And there, ahead, he saw covering all before the eyes, covering all the world, enormous, high into the air, impossible white under the sun, square top of Kilimanjaro. »
Company “Beltimport” introduced its regular stand at 12th International specialized exhibition of food processing and packaging machinery named "Inprodmash & Upakovka’ 2003".
Year in, year out at the beginning of August our company celebrates its birthday.
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